Online SSE Community Discussion Hour: Astronomical Anomalies

Friday, Aug 27, 2021 at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT

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Friday, Aug 27, 2021 at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EDT

One of the most efficient ways to test the boundaries of our astrophysical knowledge is through the search for anomalous objects. Many of the well-studied objects today, such as quasars or pulsars, were considered anomalies at first sight – until we understood them. The ”Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations” (VASCO) project focuses on searching for anomalous events that took place on the sky in the last 70 years, by comparing the sky as it looked in the 1950s to the sky as it looks today. The hope is to find a physically ”impossible” object or event, for example a vanishing star, as this could be indicative of the large-scale engineering of an extra-terrestrial civilization. The VASCO project uses traditional automated methods in combination with citizen science ( to search for these anomalous objects.

In this online discussion held at Airmeet, Dr.Beatriz Villarroel will present the VASCO project in broad, general terms. She will also introduce the mysterious case of the ”nine simultaneous transients” (Villarroel et al. 2021), that shows how nine objects appeared and disappeared within half an hour in a small region on a red-sensitive photographic plate on the 12th of April 1950. She will discuss various possibilities for this finding that cannot be explained with any well-known astrophysical phenomena. Dr. Villarroel will first discuss the possibility of plate contamination (from e.g. nuclear fallout), but later open up a possible interpretation of the nine transients in terms of solar reflections from metal debris in orbits around Earth – seven years before the first human satellite was launched.

Society for Scientific Exploration

Since 1982, the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, has provided a professional forum for presentations, criticism, and debate concerning topics, which for various reasons, are ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream science. The SSE also promotes improved understanding of those factors that unnecessarily limit the scope of scientific inquiry, such as sociological constraints, restrictive world views, hidden theoretical assumptions, and the temptation to convert prevailing theory into prevailing dogma. The SSE publishes a peer-reviewed journal, the popular EdgeScience magazine, hosts conferences, and connect scholars through networking events, both online and in person.

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